Tag: Richard Long


Richard Long

Richard Long, one of the most important British artists, has changed the way we look at sculpture. In his work he rearranges natural materials such as stone and wood into primal forms that reference the cosmos and the universe.

Curator: Eva Wittocx

Richard Long has primarily made walking the medium for his art, with nature and wilderness landscapes his main inspiration. During his long walks around the world, he often makes sculptures along the way, marks of passage and transformation. His work in geometric shapes emphasise both the order and diversity of the cosmos. They can be considered as metaphors for existence and reflect his ideas about travel, places, distance, time, space and movement.

The artist is fascinated by both contemporary ideas and prehistory. He uses classical geometric forms like lines and circles which he makes in relation to mountains, deserts, coastlines, grasslands, rivers and snowy landscapes. Transience is an important aspect of his works in nature. He mainly uses rougher volcanic rocks, driftwood, water, sometimes slate, as well as his own footsteps. The indoor mud works made with his own handprints can be seen as relating to prehistoric cave paintings. Richard Long describes each work as simple in itself, although complexity is added through the various media he uses: photography, text works, sculptures, books, drawings and mud works.

At M, Richard Long will present a selection of sculptures with stones and driftwood, text works, photography and two new mud works.

Richard Long (°1945) is an English artist who lives and works in Bristol. He studied art at Saint Martin’s School of Art in London. In 1976, he participated in the Venice Biennale. He has won several prestigious awards and took part in an impressive range of exhibitions all over the world. His work is part of the most important private and museum collections.

The exhibition Richard Long at M Leuven is part of BANG!—the city festival around the discovery of the Big Bang theory

Richard Long
October 22, 2021–March 20, 2022

M Leuven 
L. Vanderkelenstraat 28 
B–3000 Leuven
Hours: Thursday 11am–10pm,
Friday–Tuesday 11am–6pm
T +32 16 27 29 29

Image: Richard Long, Quiet Skies Circle, 2020. Delabole slate, 11 x 220 x 220 cm. © Richard Long. Courtesy of Lisson Gallery

source: e-flux


Da Duchamp a Cattelan. Arte contemporanea sul Palatino

L’arte contemporanea torna a confrontarsi con l’archeologia. La mostra presenta 100 opere tra grandi installazioni, sculture, dipinti, fotografie e opere su carta di artisti provenienti da 25 diverse nazioni.

Accanto a maestri riconosciuti come Marina Abramović, Gino De Dominicis, Marcel Duchamp, Gilbert & George, Joseph Kosuth, Barbara Kruger, Richard Long, Allan McCollum, Vettor Pisani, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Remo Salvadori, Mario Schifano, Mauro Staccioli, sono proposti i lavori realizzati da alcuni tra i più significativi esponenti delle ultime generazioni quali Mario Airò, Maurizio Cattelan, Anya Gallaccio, Cai Guo-Qiang, Claudia Losi, Paul McCarthy, Sisley Xhafa, Vedovamazzei e Luca Vitone. Non manca, poi, una serie di lavori realizzata da designer e architetti come Ugo La Pietra, Gianni Pettena e Denis Santachiara. All’interno dello Stadio Palatino e del peristilio inferiore della Domus Augustana, con le terrazze e le Arcate Severiane, la mostra articola le sue tematiche essenziali: le Installazioni architettonichein situ, efficace accostamento tra archeologia e arte contemporanea; le Mani, disegnate, fotografate, dipinte, scolpite, simbolo comunicativo e forza creatrice; i Ritratti, traccia identitaria per eccellenza e genere artistico dove gli antichi romani hanno primeggiato.

Architettura, identità, comunicazione, creazione sono temi che la contemporaneità interpreta spesso con disinvolta ironia, in maniera destabilizzante, rifiutando ogni dogma: a confronto con le maestose architetture dei palazzi imperiali del Palatino, questi materiali ci interrogano sul senso del tempo e della permanenza. Sono interventi – molti dei quali creati appositamente per questo progetto al Palatino – che non vogliono essere rassicuranti, ma che suggeriscono differenti percorsi di comprensione dell’antico. I lavori provengono dal museo ALT creato dall’architetto Tullio Leggeri, tra i maggiori collezionisti italiani che, fin dagli anni ’60, ha caratterizzato il suo rapporto con gli artisti sviluppando i loro progetti e suggerendo soluzioni tecniche e creative. Tra le monumentali rovine, viene esposta una significativa selezione delle oltre 1000 opere che costituiscono la sua raccolta.Continue Reading..