Camera d’Arte


Todd Hido. Selections From A Survey: ‘Khrystyna’s world’

Comprises 37 works, both seen and unseen, ranging from intimate shots to prepossessing large-scale images.

Something is going to happen. We can feel it. A car pulling up. An argument overheard. The shattering of glass. Or maybe it already happened: a crumpled bed, a lamp left on, a door slammed shut.

In his celebrated shots of American suburbia, photographer Todd Hido excels in capturing a sense of the disturbed moment. Whether in his eerie exteriors of isolated houses at night, where the only source of life emanates on to the street from a single lit room, or his carefully framed interior shots of freshly tousled sheets of a single bed, or the numbing glare of an old TV set, and even in his disturbing yet evocative images of female models, a confusing yet very real range of female identities lifted from his past — we feel a sense of unease: some allow vulnerability and others exhibit empowerment.

These powerful cinematic images have a rich cultural impact, recalling the legacy of filmmakers such as Alfred Hitchcock and David Lynch, novelists Raymond Carver and Stephen King.

For the first time in the Benelux, Hido will exhibit a selection of his extraordinary body of work in a solo exhibition, Selections From A Survey: Krystyna’s World, at the Reflex Gallery, Amsterdam, from September 12 to November 15. A new group of works unique from this show will be presented at Unseen Photography Art Fair in Amsterdam running from September 18th-20th.

This exhibition invites viewers to dwell on the images and ideas that have followed the artist through his lifetime, continually finding new manifestations in his work. This selection focuses on alternatives, b-sides, brand new works, and unseen one-of-a-kind collages that Hido only recently added to his oeuvre in 2015 — not to mention a few unseen pieces to be included in his mid-career survey to be published by Aperture in Spring 2016. Reflected are Hido’s classic nocturnal themes and populated primarily with photographs of his model Khrystyna — a tacit partner in his cinematic narratives, and a shape shifter in the nightscapes, interiors, and psychological landscapes that she haunts.Continue Reading..


Paolo Gioli. Opere alchemiche

Apre al pubblico il 24 settembre alla Galleria del Cembalo, e proseguirà fino al 14 novembre, una grande mostra sul lavoro di Paolo Gioli

Le immagini di un esploratore della visione tra fotografia, cinema e pittura

“Quello che mi interessa enormemente è la formidabile capacità che la materia fotosensibile ha nel manomettere e immaginare, quasi sempre drammaticamente, ogni cosa tocchi”.
È qui, nell’incontro formidabile tra luce e materia, che ha luogo l’azione fotografica e artistica di Paolo Gioli, cui la Galleria del Cembalo dedica Opere alchemiche, la grande mostra che apre al pubblico il 24 settembre e fino al 14 novembre porterà in quattro delle sue sale oltre ottanta immagini.
Esploratore della visione, Gioli è approdato alla fotografia, e al cinema, dopo essere passato, sin da giovanissimo, per l’esperienza della pittura, individuando in ciascuno dei territori attraversati un percorso estraneo a ogni schematica catalogazione. L’esposizione proposta dalla Galleria del Cembalo dà pieno conto di un’arte che tocca fotografia, cinema e pittura, e si propone come prima mostra a Roma – almeno dai tempi di quella organizzata al Palazzo delle Esposizioni nel 1996 – che significativamente rappresenta la coniugazione di tre universi visivi.
I disegni degli anni Sessanta, i quadri dei Settanta, così come i film, confrontandosi in mostra con esemplari di serie fotografiche – Sconosciuti, Toraci, Vessazioni, Luminescenti, Volti attraverso – trattano la fisicità della figura umana proponendo di volta in volta visioni pop, dadaiste, espressioniste, surrealiste, neoclassiche, barocche e rinascimentali, sempre mantenendo una straordinaria coerenza di approccio ed elaborazione. La categoria della ricerca incontra spesso, nell’opera di Gioli, quella dell’invenzione: ne è frutto una fotografia non intesa come copia del reale, in cui un’attitudine tecnica divenuta sapienza conduce – come ha scritto Giuliano Sergio – a “un’essenzialità che è diventata disciplina mentale ed estetica per cercare l’origine della fotografia e ottenere risultati altrimenti inimmaginabili”.Continue Reading..


Daniel Arsham. Fictional Archeology

For the exhibition the artist presents five eroded sculptures of contemporary human figures and body parts and two installations displaying casts of modern artifacts like future archeological finds.

Galerie Perrotin, Hong Kong is pleased to present the tenth exhibition dedicated to American artist Daniel Arsham (b. 1980), which features five eroded sculptures of contemporary human figures and body parts and two installations displaying casts of modern artifacts like future archeological finds.

Following Daniel Arsham’s two previous solo shows at Galerie Perrotin, Paris and Hong Kong – “The Future is Always Now” and “#FUTUREARCHIVE” in 2014 and 2013, respectively – this new exhibition furthers the artist’s current exploration of geological materials that he began using four years ago to give a concrete body to his concept of “Fictional Archeology”. In fact, his travels to Easter Island in 2011, where he spent some time observing archeologists at work in a dig site, provided the creative kernel for this ongoing series. While the archeologists there were pulling past artifacts out of the ground, Arsham came to understand that archeology was also, in a way, a work of fiction. Archeologists need to invent – at least in part – a story to reconstruct a plausible truth for their discoveries. Yet who knows for certain what really happened?

Whatever may have been, storytelling or the account of historical anecdotes, whether true or false, is not what ultimately inspired Daniel Arsham per se. Rather, the artist is interested in infusing his own work with the fictional dimension of archeology. He would like us to imagine that we could travel to the future and look back at his cast relics of the present from a dislocated, curious point of view. For his sculptures of contemporary human figures and modern artifacts to convey this mysterious archeological aura, they must appear as if they really had been buried in the ground for a number of years before being excavated, which the use of geological materials – here mainly selenite, volcanic ash, chalk, and sand – allowed the artist to tangibly and successfully achieve without employing the artificial means of a trompe l’oeil painterly effect. Indeed, the earthen materials appear within his molds the exact same way that they would in nature, which strengthens their believable authenticity. After all, how does the saying go: from dust you were made, and to dust you will return?Continue Reading..


MASBEDO. Sinfonia di un’esecuzione

Sinfonia di un’esecuzione
Mart Rovereto
10 OTTOBRE 2015 / 14 FEBBRAIO 2016

Al Mart il nuovo progetto dei MASBEDO, realizzato nei boschi della Val di Fiemme.
Oltre alla mostra in Museo, una video audio performance con i Marlene Kuntz al Teatro Zandonai

I MASBEDO presentano al Mart di Rovereto Sinfonia di un’esecuzione un nuovo progetto che mescola le grammatiche linguistiche dell’arte, della musica e della performance.

Il progetto è costituito da tre opere:

Sinfonia – video audio installazione prodotta dal Mart
Inaugurazione Sabato 10 ottobre, ore 18-21

Esecuzione – video audio performance con sonorizzazione live dei Marlene Kuntz
Sabato 10 ottobre, ore 21, Teatro Zandonai, Rovereto

Sinfonia di un’esecuzione – video audio scultura che, riunendo le due opere precedenti, completa il progetto espositivo e dà il titolo alla mostra.
Presentazione Domenica 18 ottobre, ore 12

L’indagine dei MASBEDO parte dai boschi della Val di Fiemme, dove crescono gli abeti rossi da cui nascono i violini perfetti. Dalla morte dell’albero deriva la nascita di strumenti meravigliosi, nei quali il legno rivive.
Con Sinfonia di un’esecuzione gli artisti esplorano la relazione tra morte e vita, nel passaggio tra due complementarietà. La mostra è un progetto sulla rinascita, sull’atto in potenza; ma anche sulla natura, sui riti, sui gesti sapienti.
Per giungere alla creazione del sublime è necessario un gesto distruttivo, struggente, un’esecuzione. Giocando sull’ambivalenza linguistica del termine, i MASBEDO raccontano di come una condanna a morte si trasformi in musica, di come dalla distruzione si generi forma.

A cura di Gianfranco Maraniello e di Denis Isaia, la mostra è realizzata grazie al fondamentale contributo dell’APT di Fiemme e della Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme, proprietaria del patrimonio boschivo della Valle.

L’opera Sinfonia e la performance Esecuzione saranno presentate il 10 ottobre 2015, rispettivamente alle 18 e alle 21, in occasione dell’undicesima Giornata del Contemporaneo. Istituita da AMACI (Associazione dei Musei di Arte Contemporanea Italiani, di cui Gianfranco Maraniello è presidente), coinvolge un migliaio di realtà italiane, istituzionali e non, favorendo la conoscenza, la formazione e la partecipazione dei visitatori.

L’ingresso alla performance Esecuzione è gratuito, fino a esaurimento posti. Prenotazione obbligatoria online o presso la biglietteria del Mart.Continue Reading..


Francesca Woodman. On Being an Angel

Francesca Woodman. On Being an Angel
Moderna Museet. Stockholm

5 September 2015 – 6 December 2015

The American photographer Francesca Woodman (1958–1981) created a body of fascinating photographic works in a few intense years before her premature death. Her oeuvre has been the object of numerous in-depth studies and major exhibitions in recent years, and her photographs have inspired artists all over the world.

Francesca Woodman began photographing in her teens and studied at the Rhode Island School of Design from1975 to 1978. Her output is usually divided into periods, from her early works, her years as a student in Providence, Italy (1977-1978), the Mac Dowell Colony, and, lastly, New York from 1979 until she died. The collection she left behind consists of a few hundred gelatin silver prints, but she also tried other techniques, such as large-format diazotypes, colour photography and video.

Moderna Museet will present some hundred photographs by Francesca Woodman, with a selection from the series and themes she explored. The exhibition is produced by Moderna Museet in association with Betty and George Woodman and the Estate of Francesca Woodman. Alongside this exhibition, Moderna Museet will present a compilation of photography from the same period from its collection, to show Francesca Woodman in context and expand the perspective on her oeuvre to the public.

Woodman’s photographs explore gender, representation, sexuality and body. Her production includes several self-portraits, using herself and her friends as models. The figures are often placed behind furniture and other interior elements; occasionally, the images are blurred in such a way that their identity is hidden from the viewer. The intimate nature of the subject matter is enhanced by the small formats. Woodman worked in unusual settings such as derelict buildings, using mirrors and glass to evoke surrealist and occasionally claustrophobic moods.

Curator: Anna Tellgren

Moderna Museet

Visiting address:
Skeppsholmen, Stockholm

Postal address:
Moderna Museet
Box 16382
SE-103 27 Stockholm

Francesca Woodman
On Being an Angel # 1, Providence, Rhode Island, 1977
© George och Betty Woodman